Most people have Googleitis and WSOitis. They try to use grey and black hat techniques to beat Google only to be be beaten at the end. I also see people who are addicted to purchasing new WSOs. They jump on one shiny object to another. This is a common problem for many; myself included. I started the IM journey six months or so ago as I seek for home-based business opportunities. I'm a techie by trade, but I never made a dime online. Here's my lesson-learned and hopefully you and other newbies can benefit from my faulty start.
1. Get Clarity - You need to ask yourself why are you doing this business. It is NOT the money that you are after. Money is only the byproduct of your success. It is the feeling and desire when you are successful. Here's mine.
I wanted time freedom, and the opportunity have my wife stay home. She works in a hotel since she arrived in the U.S.A eight years ago. It is hard labor. I owe it to her. She doesn't even have time to go to school and learn proper English because hotel doesn't have fixed schedule.
You know something, my friend, because I am super clear on my goal, she has been home for a week now. After some planning and adjustments to our lives, we don't need her job for us to stay afloat nor do we need me to make money online to replace her income.
That's how the Universe works. You need to get clarity. Then, the Universe will start to open up doors for you. It might not be something that you want or thought of.
2. Up until recently, I poured in money into new WSOs. I purchased programs after programs. Honestly, I was addicted to buying. This reminds me of Groupon, SocialLiving and PricePlunge. They offer deals all the time. I thought that I was smart and jumped on them. Here are a few that I purchased and never used. I bought a Groupon deal to learn how to fly an airplane. Then, I bought another one on parachute jumping. Because I didn't have clarity (#1) and got trapped in a vicious cycle of jumping on one shinny object after another, not only that I didn't get to fly airplane, parachute jumping, but I didn't even get to learn from any of the programs.
Now that I know my problems, that's half of the battle won, right? So unplug myself from this trap of purchasing. I cut back a lot but still suffer from WSOitis.
3. You got to know your market. This is similar to #1. You have to understand people's pain point. This is the fundamental of buying and selling. I authored a book on Unconventional Ways to Buy and Sell your Property. Funny enough, I don't apply this concept in Internet marketing which I should and will. To understand your market, you need some researches done. Here're the basic steps.
Pick a niche or two. This is regardless of an authority or a micro niche site. Pull up your favorite search engine. Then, type:
web site
This might be a flaw in my thought process, but I think if the niche is big enough there got to be a forum or website for them. Next, go to Quantcast and Alexa to determine the demographic. This serves multiple purposes. You want to validate the demand in those niches. Also, you want to know if folks in those niches have money to spend or not. In addition, the demographic info tells you the age range, gender and location. Some people tell you to run ads on Facebook or Google. To have penny click, you need to narrow down your audience.
Once you understand your market, build a blog, focus on creating authentic contents and don't worry about building your list at first. Just put yourself in someone's else shoe. Don't you get turned off when you first visit a blog or site, and they have popups everywhere? If you provide values and you already know that the market needs your info, they will come back. At the very least, leave them a good impression, so they will share and like your articles.
4. Unique and value added content - when you focus on a few niches, you have more time to write your own content. This is SUPER important. Part of the value is YOU. People buy products and services because they tend to like who you are, how you write and what is part of the package. You don't want to deal with people who shop for low price because they won't return to your site next time. So start building your brand and be yourself. This is what I didn't do, and I was all over the map. Now, it is just my firstnamelastname(dot)com I basically start over again using the info that I am sharing with you now.
5. When you produce great content, you need to let the world know. I would focus on the 80/20 rule. Spend 20% on content production and 80% on marketing. How? When you first started, write your own content like I mentioned above. After you made some dough, then thoroughly do some screening of college students near you and find one or two who can adopt your writing style. Put that into a standard operating procedure and repeat the process when the first batch leaves you. Have that first batch recruits and hires their replacements before their departure.
Google and other search engines love fresh, authentic and relevant contents. Since you write your own content, it is authentic. Your market research as outlined above will provide relevant content. Next be consistent and crank out new content at least once per week.
In addition, you will want to focus on a few SEO strategies at most to begin with. Also it is a part of your branding. For me it is I try to protect my brand by securing the same handle with all social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and fifty plus others. I'd use Fiverr to help me with this. Once you have your social signal setup, link all your accounts to Socialadr, Tribepro and Onlywire. Those are the services that I am using.
There are other similar services out there. This will semi-automate your content distribution and syndication which will give you backlink and generate more traffic to your blog.
The next part is to go out and interact with your market. Remember, I told you to search for forum? Alright, pick two to three top one, create account and start providing value in the forum. You are the ingredient to your success. You have to find your own path and define your own vision. Then, you have to walk it. No one else can do it for you. They can show you what has worked for them only.
Rinse and repeat - once you got one site going, leverage on content syndication to get the words out and you only infrequently need to refresh your site with new content. There are several billions of Internet users out there. It will take a few years for all of them to read your valuable content so focus on create one that will last.
Warrior Forum WSO
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